Credit Score Is Not Showing-No Credit Score-No Cibil Score-No Credit Card-Tips To Improve Credit Score
When You Search For Your Credit Score You Find Like This Image Shown Above
Now The Solution To Show Your Credit Score Or civil score is very simple. So, there is a question in your mind why the credit score is not showing? It is very simple. It means that you didn't purchase any item on your credit card. It means you don't have an active credit card before that's why you don't have a credit score. If someone takes a loan for any purpose like for educational purposes or like an automobile, vehicles loan, And when he pays the money back to the bank in EMI or as per their terms and conditions every time when he pays an EMI this record is noted by the credit bureaus. When you pay your all EMI on time it means that you have a good credit score, But if you have a credit card but you didn't pay its EMI on time it means that it decreases your credit score. And it takes a bad effect on your credit history.
The single thing you have to manage is only making credit history to the credit bureau. But the main thing is that you have never taken a loan and that's why the credit score checker showing that there is no credit score found for your pan card number.
So, the solution for this is explained below.
For Build your credit score you have to take a loan or credit card from the bank or finance company, But for taking a loan you have mandatory to have a credit score, and not credit score a good credit score, But Today in this Blog I give you an idea to build a credit score, For creating a credit score, Many of the banks offering you a secure credit card, for example, bank names- SBI, HDFC, ICICI, KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK, AND MUCH MORE bank offers credit card on security behalf on your Fixed Deposit.
After that when you pay your credit card EMI your credit score starts building. And sometimes you found out that your credit score is starting to show.
And like this one day, your credit scores achieve good improvement.
Tips For Improve Credit Score
1.Pay Your Bills on Time.
2.Get credit for Making Utility and Cell Phone Payments on Time.
3.Pay off Debt and Keep Balances Low on credit cards and Other Revolving credit.
4.Apply for and Open New credit Accounts Only as Needed.
5.Donot Close Unused Credit Cards.
Your credit score is a three-digit number lenders use to help them decide how likely it is they will be repaid on time if they grant you a credit card or loan is an important factor in your financial life.
The higher your scores, the more likely you are to qualify for loans and credit cards at the most favorable terms, which will save you money.
If your credit history is not where you want it to be, you're not alone. Improving your credit scores takes time, but the sooner you found that credit score in Getting Improved.
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